I would almost be okay with this as long as Bill Hicks is actually alive.
I'm a writer and free thinker who is determined to help influence major good change to spread! Peace is only possible in the absence of aggression. (I also have done music stuff.)
Age 41, Female
Crew member at a McD
Maryland, USA
Joined on 9/13/14
I would almost be okay with this as long as Bill Hicks is actually alive.
I guess you didn't see my video, huh. Bill Hicks = Alex Jones. Bill Hicks faked his death. They're one and the same person. They sound very similar when yelling, what I show in my video. Similar nose. Same teeth...
There's more picture comparisons on these 2 webpages. Look at the mole markings on their necks. http://www.atlanteanconspiracy.com/2013/08/alex-jones-is-bill-hicks-proof-hicks.html
Would you believe it's a stretch?
Even if the both of them were identical twins, what are the odds that they'd even had the same purpose to expose the "truth" about the tyrant government? I noticed something on here: http://www.billhicks.com/Bio.html
Also saw this video. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AJjFubcICGA There's something fishy here. Wishy washy!
Maybe the tyrants cloned Bill Hicks and named him Alex Jones, lol. I honestly never met either guy in person.
However, from various subjects I have researched on, I know that "Alex Jones" is a nutjob, 100%, and he is what other people of knowledge call "controlled opposition". When I heard he supported Cruz, I found out for myself that he's a disinfo agent. I've done a bunch of research into Common Core. Cruz lied on stopping it. He's actually for Federal School Choice. http://ic.pics.livejournal.com/phspopular2002/4219327/234325/234325_original.jpg
What they all really have in common is that they're entertainers and at the end of the day , aside from placating the willfully ignorant with the fear mongering they either already crave or end up getting hooked on along the way, they do serve as an ignition for a substantial amount of people to at least begin to apply some critical thinking where the media is concerned if and when they didn't to begin with.
Over time most sensible people learn to construct their own narrative and take these individuals for the entertainers they are and technically they can still read you the newspaper, so they're not all bad as long as you can seperate them from their agenda and apply the grain of salt required to filter through their bullshit.
It's no different from the mainstream news outlets in that regard, if people consume it mindlessly then they'll swallow whatever crap they're told if it buttons their buttons or conforms to what they want to hear, which is on them not the entertainers whom are just making a living this way.
Well it's a really bizarre way to make a living in my honest opinion! LOL, yeah, you make good points there.
So in a way, we might as well not view them any differently from the other talking heads on mainstream media. The Presstitutes. lol Crazy Pressitutes...