I've been sucked into the black hole that is Roleplay Writing. XD That would be the main reason why I've slowed down on the music making. My game project inspired from that has been taking a backseat, sort of.
I've also started getting into 3D art model making, so I just might be on my way back to the game project...? I have an account on sketchfab.com: darkwriter00. Check it out whenever! I've put up one test model and an experimental polygon 3D art. With the Sketch Up software, I learned how to make buildings. My simple house exterior art project isn't quite finished yet. I'll try to work more on that next week!
I've also enjoyed exploring sketchfab. There's so much incredible talent to see. It's incredible!
Also, I will try to catch up with some of you awesome musicians out there. I'm sorry I haven't been around much these days. I keep bouncing from one thing to another too much.
Oh, and Happy Thanksgiving to those who celebrate it! For those who don't; Happy Holidays--or have a great day/night!
Meemeep! <3
Hiiii! I sometimes forget to IM you on Skype. How have you been? Happy Holidays!